BRIEF: Launch of the new Nissan Evalia how the car that fits family’s needs becouse it has a great versatility due to its space.
SOLUTION: Evalia has been designed and proposed as the car capable of withstanding the daily needs of the family in which childrens play a key role. The concept “family proof” was developed as an integrated campaign,
in addition to traditional media (TV, print and radio), that also include guerrilla marketing and ambient media.
RESULTS: The proposal has been highly appreciated by Nissan Italy so as to be chosen among the various made. Unfortunately, due due to the decision to postpone the launch of the car, the campaign was not produced.
Agency - TBWA/Rome
Client - NISSAN/Italy
Copywriter - Arnaldo Funaro
Art director - Mario Vaglio
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Japanese papers in order, reliable, large capacity, offer itself for all family needs, from shopping to the care of children. Available 24 hours also for long trips in Italy and abroad. Ask for Evalia. Telephone: 06.6453736
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