BRIEF: Show and bring to reflect a diverse audience about why the death penalty is wrong to encourage deep reflection and a pinch of conscience with respect to this issue.

SOLUTION: “The darkned room” was the concept and the name of a free photographic exhibition traveling for the biggest museums in Italy (distributed also in a reduced version to all Amnesty’s local groups) starting from the Exposition Palace in Rome. Visually, sentenced to death and his condition play a central role and, in the background, through the use of stencils, is told the drama connected to the death penalty. Portrayed in the photos involved 13 of the most famous and capable Italians actor and actresses that were engaged in the campaign like testimonial for free. Their contribution and their interpretative skills had a key role to tell and show the inner drama connected to death penalty.

RESULTS: The campaign, both nationally and internationally, is still collecting its results because is still on display around Italy where it is shown, even for educational purposes, to the students of primary and secondary schools.

It is in the course of planning it use abroad because of its value as a prime example of photo exhibition on the theme

of death penalty. The photos have also been published by Eyemazing, the most prestigious and worldwide magazine

of photography.



Client - Amnesty International

Art director - Mario Vaglio

Copywriter - Roberto Decio

Photographer - Angelo di Pietro

Image retoucher - Basilio Puglia

Illustrator - Desiderio

                  - Roberto Terrinoni


© Copyright 2015 Mario Vaglio. All rights reserved.